Comments on: Biden-Harris Administration has ambitious immigration plan but concerns remain Social work updates from NASW Tue, 01 Aug 2023 19:32:19 +0000 hourly 1 By: Beth Mon, 15 Feb 2021 20:09:43 +0000 Hazel, immigrants entering our country illegally are not entitled to the rights of U.S. citizens. According to a 2013 estimate by the Heritage Foundation, illegal immigration costs U.S. taxpayers $54 BILLION a year! What are we paying for?
1. Initial holding and security screening.
2. Medical screening, public healthcare clinics , ER visits and hospitalizations.
3. Public education for illegal children.
4. Higher law enforcement costs for illegal immigrants committing crimes on U. S. Soil
5. Food programs in schools to feed illegal children.
6. Border Protection and Control, who thankfully captured 11 Iranians coming in through Mexico with terrorists and or espionage intents.
7. Court costs for vetting and granting legal protections for illegals seeking asylum.

That’s a small picture of how approximately $383 per taxpayer they are costing us.

Then come the practical question when we let them in:
1. Where do we house them?
2. How do we feed them?
3. How do we clothe them?
4. How do we ensure they do not bring COVID, SARs or other diseases into our population?
5. How do we help them find jobs?
6. How do we ensure they have no plans to attack Americans?

Please don’t call anyone “ignorant” for stating an opinion different from yours. Social Work is a profession whose Code of Ethics calls for non-discrimination of all peoples, not just those who think one way.

By: Hazel Thu, 11 Feb 2021 15:54:44 +0000 In reply to Katherine M Pawlaczyk.

A lot of immigrants no matter if they are undocumented are the very BACKBONE of the American workforce and most of the time work 100x harder than “Americans”. Before your ancestors came here this country was occupied by a whole Nation of NATIVE Americans. What right do we have to this country that they don’t? Most undocumented people CANNOT even get health insurance or government assistance!! Meaning they pay OUT OF THEIR OWN POCKET for healthcare. they cannot get the stimulus checks, food stamps, or anything like that so not sure what taxpayer dollars are paying for…? Almost all immigrants do jobs that Americans literally refuse to do.. so they do provide for themselves and usually come here in order to do just that. You sound very ignorant and uneducated on the actual topic, I recommend reading about it more before posting ignorance like this.

By: Katherine M Pawlaczyk Thu, 04 Feb 2021 01:35:37 +0000 I agree we are a nation of immigrants. However, when my ancestors came to the United States from Europe, before they came over they needed a sponsor AND their sponsor was required to have a bank account with enough money for their support for two years. I am all for immigrants but they must be legal and have a way to provide for themselves without living off the backs of the American tax payer. When Immigrants are allowed to enter the US and get assistance and free healthcare that is better than the average working American taxpayer, I have a serious problem with that.
