Comments on: Unaccompanied Migrant Children: A Looming Border Crisis Social work updates from NASW Tue, 01 Aug 2023 19:31:44 +0000 hourly 1 By: SMoon Fri, 02 Apr 2021 14:03:45 +0000 While I understand the crisis at the border, I am also concerned about the crisis in our own country. C19 has left many families in dire straights and as things are opening up, these families will be expected to pay rent, utilities and other bills that have been put on hold. However, states opening up doesn’t mean people are able to go back to work or go back to beneficial jobs they may have once had. Additionally, the family units may look much different due to C19 deaths. What will we do for them as resources are stretched to their limits, or are no longer available?

What’s going on at the border is horrific and the perception of most people is wrong in thinking these are just children of Mexico. I would hope that the United States can work in a trusting, collaborative way with other countries (as stated in this article) to offer asylum within someone’s country of origin. My concern; isn’t the government part of the problem pushing it’s citizens to seek asylum in the United States. How will the United States be a part of that asylum process? What kind of legal authority will be granted for the United States in these other countries to assist in the safety and care of those seeking asylum?

So much to consider and I am positive I am not the only one asking these questions or having these thoughts. I just thought I’d share.

By: Linda Harley Tue, 30 Mar 2021 19:05:18 +0000 It is simply not true that President Trump discarded the Obama-era policy to apply for asylum in their own homes. President Trump worked with The Northern Triangle countries to screen migrants for eligibility for asylum at home. The current immigration law does not include eligibility for humanitarian protections, only asylum seekers. Billions of dollars have been sent to these countries by different administrations for decades but was not directed to aid their people, which was one of President Trump’s major concerns. What is happening on the border is Biden ill fated and disastrous decisions. He stopped the building of the wall, broke the agreement with Mexico to stay in place until their applications for ASYLUM had been processed, along with the migrants applying for asylum from their own countries. The Mexican government had 25,000 troops guarding their border, stopping the migrant surge. Finally, Biden re-enacted the catch and release program, which President Trump had stopped. Biden’s hatred of Trump has erupted at the disastrous expense of America and its people on many different leverls__public health, national security, break down of our economy, overwhelming our educational system, and welfare services.

President Trump worked diligently with the Border Control for what was needed to stop the surge of migrants, the cayotes, the drug cartels, sex traffickers, MS 13, and other vicious gangs. They are now running through our borders. In addition, the unskilled migrants will become cheap labor for the big corporations, taking away the American jobs for unskilled workers. During Trump’s administration, unemployment was at it lowest level and who benefitted the most were women, black, brown Americans, native Indians and Asian Americans.
