Comments on: 2018 NASW National Conference Features Voter Engagement Teach-In On Capitol Hill Social work updates from NASW Tue, 22 Aug 2023 20:08:15 +0000 hourly 1 By: Ellen Starbird Thu, 14 Jun 2018 21:15:27 +0000 This panel seems like a waste of time. Do you not think the election in November might be of interest? Voter registration will be over by the time you hold your teach in.

I am told the reason we have no plans for SW FL voter turn out is that NASW has recently hired someone (Nationally) to do something?

Since 2/3rds or better of FL voters vote by mail, you might want to shake a tail feature. (Congressperson) Rooney is far more interested in legislating female ovaries to accommodate his religious convictions than presenting any legislation. Also the GOP does not need two Senators from FL to further attack the poor, the female and the workers in this country. /So there’s a lot going on the the whole country to be sure, but FL matters.

By: Sandy Spiegel Tue, 29 May 2018 18:15:04 +0000 I am writing about the current practice of removing children from their parents at the border. This unprecedented practice is inhumane and goes against every social work value and principal I know. I have practiced social work for over 30 years in child welfare, pediatrics and education, and I understand what trauma and consequences this new current practice will have on the lives of children and families. If we truly value families and children as we love to say, then every organization that works with families and children must stand out and strongly protest this practice.

By: cali Sun, 27 May 2018 23:51:50 +0000 ihope iam social worker so iwant knowlege

By: cali Sun, 27 May 2018 23:50:44 +0000 ihope you will include apaelist fromthe conservative view of voter registration

By: Beth Tue, 22 May 2018 17:23:44 +0000 I hope you will include a panelist from the Conservative view of voter registration. It is also hoped this teach in will encourage voter registration in all socioeconomic areas, not just the disenfranchised neighborhoods. All US citizens have the right and responsibility to register and vote.
